>>5370200And for the three big items....
The LEGO Star Wars character/minifig encyclopedia. I dip in and out of LEGO, because it is a slipper slope I fall into hard and fast, and this is something I never picked up. Makes me want to pick up more of the SW LEGO stuff now, dammit.
Then I got the Elite-series Storm Trooper. Funny story there; I was just at the Disney store in the mall today and picked up a Phasma, and considered getting a Storm trooper, but decided not to. Then I was kicking myself for now picking one up....but now, this is perfect! I have a Storm Trooper to go with my Phasma.
And I also got the SH Figuarts Vegetto. I just recently got into the Figuarts DBZ line, and this is one I haven't picked up yet, so this is awesome!