>>9543820>Academy B-17fJust like
>>9544260 said, I wouldn't recommend it. I'm still currently working on mine, but it's an old kit compared to the Revell one. It has no detail after of the bomb bay, no radio room at all. There's no ribbing on the fuselage walls, so if you want to keep the waist positions open you better start scratch building the interior. The guns, well let's just say they resemble them and leave it at that. The wing dihedral is on par to a B-24 for some reason and the cowlings and engines looks off. And to add the final nail the decals just fucking suck. The single redeeming quality if I can say that is the ball turret has the glass shroud on the sides (pic related), problem is it's fucking molded in grey plastic, so even then it lost that quality. Only reason I got this kit is cause some guy was selling it for like $30 with the added legends resin detail set. My advice is, if you want to buy this kit and make it looking decent - good, be prepared to invest alot of effort and aftermarket ( if you're willing) like resin, PE and decals. Otherwise just go for the Revell one or wait when airfix eventually announces their B-17f and knowing them they'll probably add alot more smaller details than both offerings like different style noses( none, single, double or factory installed nose guns) ball turrets, top turrets or hell maybe even different nose cheek guns. I apologize for my longer than usual rants about kits fellow anons