>>9156899>maybe 11.5-12 inches in height, is that the "average" height for a doll(checked)
11.5-12" is in what's called 1:6 (one-sixth) scale. That's the real name for it. Barbie and anything "barbie compatible" will be in 1:6. So you can get generic clothes from a budget release, to actual Barbie clothes, to fancy shit you order off of some scalper on fleabay, and it'll all be on the same scale. So if you wanna make a "backwoods Barbie", complete with camo, deer huntin' rifle, and so on, you could pull clothes and props from G.I. Joe to do it.
The only exception to this would be footwear; "Fashion dolls" usually have tiny feet, often molded into a raised heel position, while a generic 1:6 figure would often have comparatively larger/realistically sized feet. So don't expect -anything- Barbie to work on anything else, and vice-versa.
>clothesIf you're budget-minded, go watching the low-priced stuff on fleabay. Set the filters to "newly listed", and "lowest price first", and just be patient. I've regularly gotten bags of clothes for $20 this way. It's more fun, too, as the random nature gives you things you wouldn't think of on your own.
>dollsAs others have said, go get a Barbie "Made to move" doll to start; Can be had dirt cheap, is highly articulated, and is sturdy. They have some quality issues with flashing (the extra plastic on the seems), but that's nothing any model hobbyist can't sort out with some sanding. Latter on if you like, you can move on to the fancier dolls meant for scale model stuff. They even make ones with seamless, soft bodies if you want something realistic, good for models of actual people.
>in general.Don't come to this shitpit for anything, it's literally run by militant trannies. Unless you are a militant tranny yourself, in which case welcome aboard. Go to any gunpla, general model, or 1:6, 1:12, 1:18 general for info. Or better still, ignore 4chan entirely.