>>8385247that's almost surely true, the question then becomes: with your ever-waning time in whatever this reality is, how will your agency, however illusory it might be, affect the realm you were cast into?!
I like making teams of similar Transformers, perhaps as a metaphor for the ties of shared humanity that bind us and everyone in history together. or perhaps because eons of deterministic physics demanded that my brain chemistry would find solace in it. or perhaps because they look cool; YOU MUST DECIDE, ANON, if your life is worth the cost of the suffering and indignity that come with it, but I for one, posit that it is.
We can't know if death is to be feared, only that we do fear it. We DO know that any love or beauty or meaning we have ever felt has been felt within it.
>tldr life gets real bad, but it can always get better. stick with us, depressed Anons, we need you.