>>10158183Alright, I’ll entertain the idea that this isn’t a troll post and you are serious.
Anon, you could POSSIBLY commission a 3D artist with basic measurements to make a printable 3D model, then print it with a resin printer with the model set to 1/12 scale. The first major hurdle is getting an artist to seriously take on such a commission. The next challenge is the likely cost. Unless the artist has no scruples they’ll likely charge a pretty penny to do something most will flat-out say no to. The next step is getting it printed. If you have a printer then you’re good, otherwise you’ll either need to buy one, borrow one, or outsource one from an online service like Shapeways.
The real issue here is at 1/12 scale there’s a lot of detail that won’t make it in even a professionally hand-sculpted form due to size and material properties. Unless your dick has a unique shape or has body-modifications like piercings or whatever there won’t be too much difference between a 1/12 scale version of your own dick and a generic dick casted from an existing figure or that’s been custom sculpted.