>>5875172>>5875250I know I'm late to the party but somethings stuck out here I have to pick at.
Scaling isn't creating "scarcit" or whatever you are trying to say.
Scalping is just buying a popular item and selling higher than through official channels
And that wasn't a "larger problem" that the players sold their free tickets, it was just an ethical one because the tickets those people got were less then %5 of a stadium it was just frown on because we hero worship sports players for whatever reason so when they do anything that seems scummy we take issue.
By definition those players and coaches are not scalping and those distributes are not scalping.
You can be mad at their actions. However with MLs what I don't understand is:
1. Why people support it. Like that one anon said this market seems strange, MLs clog stores there has yet been a figure since the soft reboot that has been hard for me to find, it was just a matter of waiting which leads to...
2. Why are we getting angry over this? Again, it's just a waiting game. Black Panther is getting easier to find and his mark up is much lower now. Yes you had to wait 3 months but time should be relative in a toy collecting hobby. I want Deadpool but eventually because there is no rush, he doesn't even help build anything so it's not like I'm chomping at the bit wanting to finish a figure. So I just take my time, I found Rouge and a week later found Kitty counting the Onslaught bit I just got three figures in 2 weeks to play with and have fun displaying, Deadpool will still be their later in the year when his solid case drops. I feel most have my attitude buut then it just leaves me scratching my head when I see people get mad about the mark up or how the mark makes any profit like that.