>>7952021>Armada was my first TF series, which at this point is the only real reason I'm considering Jetfire.If you can find him for a decent price (or if price isn't an object) you should really splurge for the Takara deco. He's goddamn gorgeous.
He's got a painted headcrest with a clear visor and eyes painted underneath, instead of Hasbro's clear red crest with eyes tampo'd on top.
He trades Playskool red for a deep maroon with metallic fleck that actually matches Prime very closely, providing a nice bit of color synergy.
He also trades hasbro milk for the brightest white I ever did see, and grey for metallic silver.
He's also got one side of his arms painted white, so the shuttle sides are white instead of grey and pants mode's thighs are white as they should be. His shield also has all of the paint apps, so it actually looks good if you use it as Prime's chest.
Here he is compared to my childhood one. I lucked out and got him for relative peanuts MISB at a con a few years ago.
He works good with Hasbro Prime, especially if the gold is clean and shiny. You only really need the yellow of the Takara version to stop Prime from getting lost in the noise if you have UM/Overload as well. Or if you're paranoid about Armada Prime having GPS.