Burgers BTFO. I can't wait for all of you to come crying to me to undervalue your orders after years of none of you extending the same courtesy because it's a FeDeRaL cRiMe :^( Moving forward I might even indicate China as country of origin on every shipment out of spite.
>>11324580It is in fact a very normal human reaction to be upset about protectionist policies that affect your quality of life, and which historically have not made things better in the long run
>>11324794>De minimis is gone.Has it actually? I can only find speculation but huge if true and I'm surprised it's lasted this long given how ubiquitous online shopping has become. Literally zero economic benefit
>>11324386>this high>$48.03 maxlmao that's barely a handling fee in some European countries
>>11324361>>11324345This was essentially the intended outcome of Brexit but (spoiler alert) there are some slight logistical and financial hurdles associated with establishing all those new manufacturing facilities, building up supply chains from nothing, and finding enough skilled workers to make all your shit in what is primarily a service economy with a few engineers and finance bros mixed in
>b b but 'Murica will be different1930