I got Kup. Face looks better in person but not amazing accuracy-wise. But I'll still love him, the sad guy.
The joints that can come off are vaguely loose, like enough rotation will start to show the seams. No wrist articulation even though that "seams" (heh) completely possible, but let's pretend he just has arthritis. There's also something stuck under his windshield.. Let's pretend it's a proud war wound.
His transformation is difficult and far from intuitive, but it might because I'm really tired. He rolls really well. Gonna maybe lie down for a bit before transforming him back. His vehicle mode's compact and swell. He rolls really well, the wheels are really pleasant to feel and hear. I'm glad I got Kup.
>>9074564The possibility exists
>>9074616>>9074804>>9074936Thank you
>>9074692He's HOOJ
>>9074733The Studio Series figure is amazing, and from what I've heard you'll feel bad getting the PotP one.
>>9075281Was planning/hoping to get him, but ended up "settling" for Smokescreen, who turned out to be amazing. So I think you'd have a great time with Bluestreak, I haven't had a problem with his knees yet. Transformed him just now, the hinge stuff for his clear roof's a bit concerning, but overall the mold is great. You should get him!