Quoted By:
>Be me
>Work in supermarket
>We sell tf legion class and one steppers
>Just doing work
>Spot this at supervisor's desk
>Ask Department manager if a shop lifter was caught with it
>She claims some mother asked for a refund thinking it was broken
>I grab it and start clicking around
>"Sorry boss but its fine"
>Next thing all the girls not on registers start playing with it
>One girl even found the mouth articulation lever
>Boss says she wished she asked me first as she was sick of doing refunds to stupid shit
>"Aye what are we gonna do with it girls?"
>Well we're just gonna throw it out...
>"Wait we can't just toss a price sticker and toss it on the shelf?"
In short some mother was literally too stupid to operate a one step and my boss who was younger than me by 5 years went with it.
Saved $17aud here, I shall name him Stupid