>>7944919The only thing that really became "standard" with siege was ankle tilts. The other elusive articulation bits (wrist swivels and waist swivels) are irregular at best, but they were before Siege as well.
>>7944935waist swivels are always an afterthought. Unless there's enough money left in the budget, or (more often) it's required for transformation, it really doesn't seem like it's a priority. If it happens, it happens, regardless of size class.
>>7944924The MP is a pretty old mold at this point, and using it as any kind of benchmark for quality seems like a mistake. Although I have the TT-Mall Thundercracker and I have to say it is still drop-dead gorgeous, especially in alt mode. I wouldn't mind trading up for a newer version with better articulation, but I know its just gonna be cartoon retardation with zero sculpted detail, so meh.