I picked up two JP Gunpla how-to books a while back, but haven't been able to work up the motivation to translate them. Posting WIP things online has always sorta helped with that, so I'm gonna try posting them here and seeing how it goes.
The books are the Gunpla Technique Bible (
https://hlj.com/product/SEB32078) and the Gunpla Modeling Manual (
https://hlj.com/product/SOF38360). The former is more focused on the fundamentals, and covers snapbuilding, detailing, painting, and weathering, and just as importantly explains what all the tools you use are. The latter (which the picture is from) is for more advanced builders and focuses entirely on modding. It covers kitbashing, scribing, proportion adjustments, and lots and lots of scratchbuilding.
When I got them I was expecting the second one to be more interesting, but the first one turned out to have a lot of info I legitimately did not know. It was pretty embarrassing finding out I'd been severely underthinning my paints this entire time, for instance. And in general it's a nice, to-the-point, and very illustrative guide, which is pretty much the opposite of every english Gunpla resource I've seen.
I'd like to do both eventually, but I've got to start with one. I'll just leave a strawpoll here (
https://www.strawpoll.me/16128095) and come back tomorrow to see which one has more interest.