whatup /lg/ i'm a film student/amateur filmmaker. i'm going to step way back and make a brickfilm. this is what got me into filmmaking over a decade ago, and I wanted to make a wholesome homage that stands on its own. I am still in early pre-prod, just gathering material and concepts while I write. In about 5-6 months I'll be launching an Indiegogo campaign to fund it once the creative process is complete and I have a full blueprint to go off of.
I want to see what you guys consider the most important brickfilms. Ones that were early contributors, used the fact they were made with legos creatively, or anything that makes them really stand on their own. Bonus points for nice sets. Here's some curated picks of mine:
"The Magic Portal" by Lindsay Fleay in the mid to late 1980's (considered first brickfilm, also happens to be good)
https://youtu.be/jde4qHbCtSg"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and "The Han Solo Affair" by Spite Your Face in 2002 (these are what got me into brickfilm; the behind the scenes of 'The Han Solo Affair' blew my 12 year old mind and I recommend giving it a look after watching)
https://youtu.be/gPiCyd-b4DUhttps://youtu.be/9WE5m71zUlI"Lego Castle War" by Metomunc in 2007. This is just a great brickfilm. It is aware of the fact it's just made with legos so it has a nice irreverence, and is one of the earliest brickfilms to employ the miniature models and does so plentifully.
https://youtu.be/UTuKmbSSU7cThere are other great brickfilms from Oblong Pictures, early Keshen stuff etc but these were often "skits" rather than short films, and I'm focusing on the short film. I'll be rewatching the Lego Movie and finally getting around to Lego Batman. Despite the fact these are 99% computer animated, the animators pretty faithfully recreated the movement of a brickfilm.
pls share ill return later