>>5377536Articulation is very similar to the DC Universe style, which is now very dated. It was good for 2008, but recent Marvel Legends and WWE figures show just how far articulation has come in such a short time. For starters, Batfleck has single jointed knees & elbows when double joints are the norm. His abcrunch joint movement is pathetically limited to a few millimeters. The much hated DCU hip joints have returned. There’s a big gap along the inner thigh when the legs are spread out. Worse still, the limited up/down movement of the hip joint makes Batfleck suffer from CSD (Can’t Sit Down) Syndrome.
Batfleck doesn’t come with any accessories, except the BAF piece. Not a single Batarang? For shame, Matty. The BAF piece is a stand for the grapnel gun that you assemble after buying all 8 planned figures. Yes, eight pieces. One is just a clear stick that holds up the gun on the stand. Also, you’re going to have to wait for a future wave in 6 months to complete your grapnel gun.