>>6946936These guys are just too tempting but I can't bring myself to pay almost double for the legion builders. The fully painted figures would be an easier pill to swallow, and the Builder Sets are actually worth it. But $40 bucks per army builder is just too much for me.
...I'll just convince myself I don't have enough room for these guys.
>>6946965The 4H have already stated that they have no plans to go back and redevelop old concepts. They're entirely focused on Mythic Legions as their main outlet for original figures, so anything they make will be using that tooling. For them to make an entirely new mold, with an entirely new joint structure just release a single figure with multiple direct repaints with no way to reuse those parts just isn't financially viable to them.
However, they did say they weren't against updating their old concepts to be used within the Mythic Legions line. They've already homaged one of the older Minotaur figures with Torrion, and there's nothing stopping them from producing ML based limbs similar to the ones found on the Vampire concept that could then be used for many other figures.
>>6946974I don't know where you get the idea that the fanbase has no interest in their older figures. Fans ask about Scarabus or Minotaur reissues fairly frequently, but anyone who's been paying attention knows why that's not happening (i.e. the molds were lost/stolen/damaged). The vampire girl is also frequently inquired about, which was discussed above
As for the Symbiotech line, iirc they were an option for production, but always lost the Fantastic Exclusive votes which decided what figures the 4H actually made. The last of these votes, before Mythic Legions, led to the creation of the Raven's line and their subsequent Kickstarter. At this point, it's unlikely the 4H will focus on anything outside of the Legions.