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So I've monkeyed around with my Defensor guys a bit more and I've concluded that all the individual figures are pretty solid. The vehicle modes for each of them are all stellar, I love the paint and the detail is great. The robot modes are all good-to-okay, except for Hot Spot who seems to suffer from janky leg ratchet joints. He looks good, it's just I have to work to get his legs even sort of symmetrical. It's annoying. His legs have no weight to them either which detracts from both his robot form and the combined form, and my best bet at a dynamic pose seems to be letting his ladder work as a tripod. But he DOES look good.
I have Groove swapped out for Rook, because I like Rook's vehicle mode too much. The combined form of all of them together is cool but the way it holds together is kind of dodgy. Still, I like having them arranged this way, pairing the police as the feet (Defensor's got flat feet, get it?) and healing hands with the medical arms. It's a really nice set, but if I'm being honest, they'll probably spend more time as vehicles than anything just because they look so much better that way.