>>5822326Pointed out some of the organiser's hypocrisies.
Most notably by posting a picture (from this thread in fact) of the back of Chilly Nippon's van from LCC. Where they had a PG Unicorn, painted and such which had been donated to them for the show to display, just chucked in a box. I asked if this was how we could expect them to treat stuff that was lent to them for G-Con (as they were begging for built kits at the time) and Shane went full tinfoil hat on me. He accused me of breaking in to there van and various other things, which I hadn't obviously as it wasn't my photo; and regardless the van was clearly being loaded up at the end of the con and was left open on the street. But that's beside the point.
I used to work as an events manager, for my sins, and I offered him some assistance with the event as it was (and is) clear that he was floundering and received nothing but a curt rebuttal. I believe Richigo also offered to make some trophies for the comp and he went off on one at him too.
Also, it would seem that the only reason they even announced that the con was delayed was because I and some others forced their hand by pointing out the lack of updates and info. Not that that's changed their practices because the G-Con website is still pic related as he's too busy pretending to book orchestras for symphonic renditions of the mostly pretty poor music from the various series.