>>6278759Do they all have to be the same blaster, like a 4vs4 or something? If so, then Strongarm or Disruptor. I think they're phasing out the Strongarms for the Disruptors, but they're more or less the same.
You could also go for the Retaliator or Recon MKII for the tacticool, but if you don't have the accessories, then it's not very tacticool with just one mag that you have to keep reloading, so stick with front-loaders.
Stryfe masterrace is also cool. But then batteries and mag. But now you can spend the extra cash on more mags.
You can also go esoteric and get Flipfurys, which is just a double Strongarm. It's a little silly, but if everyone is armed with just one blaster, the a Flipfury would outgun a Strongarm in ammo capacity.
Target is having a promo of spending $50 and saving $10 (or $10 giftcard, I forget which). So buy 4, save $10, then buy another 4, save another $10, then PayPal me the savings to my account. Win/win for everybody!