>>8201443Also forgot to mention it also comes with a knife sheath for Snake Eyes cast in yellow. It was pretty easy, this was my first custom figure I made. I think painting the hair was the most complicated part and even that wasn't that bad. It was just a matter of painting some red paint on and then letting it dry and putting some matte clear coat on, which really made a difference, making it look like a legit figure vs a custom I just painted. The sheath I just used a hair dryer and heated it up, then slowly and carefully pried the old sheath off and wedging a pair of tweezers in it to make sure I didn't rip it off leaving a chunk in the leg. Afterwords I glued the yellow sheath in with some locktite for 24 hours and it was on solid as a rock.
In honor of this custom I ordered a Battle Wagon off of ebay for my 90's style Joes to sit in. I also ordered Battle Corps Wet-Suit's harpoon gun, which should be showing up any day now in the mail.