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>So we got a new case of Marvel Legends, you guys know what that is? It's these superhero toys of like X-Men and Thor and shit that nobody over the age of 10 still gives a shit about, but I swear there's 40 year old nerds in greasy ponytails that go apeshit over this stuff, so I had this fatass with chilidog stains on his fucking Star Trek shirt and he wants to know if they got Mystery Man or whatever the fuck his name is, but he wants the one with the green head and I said "nope all out" and he started crying like someone had just told him his mom died, but the joke was on him because we had that gay ass Mysterio toy with the green head and I stashed it in my lock and I'm gonna put it on eBay! Don't worry lardo, you'll get your Green Mist Oreo... after you give me $60 for it and I know you fucking will!