>>7172674Pretty well balanced, unless you're doing a super dynamic stance--which, let's be honest--the Iron Giant isn't exactly known for. At which point it turns from well-balanced to like.. still pretty damn balanced. His feet (and toes even) are just wide (don't quote me on this) diecast platforms, so the support is definitely there. Nothing is flimsy, pretty tight joints all around, only qc issues i noticed are that the heads don't have a straight lip, there is a bit of chipping/bumpyness. Also the hands, the paint is laid on a bit thick, but it's hardly noticeable unless you're looking at it up close.
Only thing that pops out too easily are the hip joints, but even then, it isn't 'easily', it's just me trying to spread them wider to do dynamic poses that no 1920s robot should be able to pull off anyway. Which is definitely better than the alternative--just a clean snap in half
>>7172715Ahh, so that Godzilla is the extent of my kaiju, and i only bought it because it was in the BST for like $50. I only have SHMA Ghidorah, and he's in storage right now. When I get home, I'll see what I can whip up. Only thing that makes me weary of the paint finish is the clip-on Superman S. It slides in pretty snugly on the bottom of the chest, so I could see with prolonged use how it could scratch the paint. Also I saw your post about The Thing in the ML general. Sorry to hear that, man. My Thing's legs are both the same length