>$88.97 for Smoke+Snap+Snek after tax and free shipping>expected to come on the 14thMaybe get rid of snek until I see him for cheaper? Or keep him since just $7+13% tax?? And/but gib this to myself for like, a lonely Valentine's day present??? Open cassettes????
>>8762009H-he's no good with articulation..? Apeface was kinda disappointing but was hoping he'd be good with Snappy, who's apparently better..
>>8762024But but you could pretend it's frozen, or do the cool(?) weapon mode thing. And YEAH doors look swell.
>>8762031Y-yeah, taking photos is scary and daunting, but I took some pics of guys I like/was relatively proud of a while back
https://imgur.com/a/lN6U5amhttps://imgur.com/a/bikeByfhttps://imgur.com/a/cae6dutI can probs one day take more pics, either just sets of guys or any (mostly G1) guys people name that I might have, I'm just no good at photos, or anything, haha.
Not my Starscream pic