>>7597055Call me /x/, but I think Jeff and/or Chu hates Chris Metzen.
>Metzen’s favorite hero was Zenyatta >guy also created Soldier 76 and let the team use him>Metzen leaves Blizzard because working conditions were godawful and he didn’t want to deal with it anymore >Zenyatta proceeds to get completely ignored in the story. Sketchy, but “durr his arc is over” is a semi-plausible excuse >years after Metzen leaves, the “76 is gay” card gets played. Timing means nobody would suspect personal bias in the decision >that said, McCree and Hanzo are pretty much always shipped gay. Fans would’ve flipped if one of them had been confirmed, and it would’ve given them much-needed character focus >nope, gotta be 76, the character who shows up in half the stories>decision also doesn’t make sense because 76 is the character designed specifically for CoDfags, and we all know they don’t want to play a gay dude Incompetence or hateboner? Probably both, but you decide.