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Hello my dudes,
I finally present you my Revell 1:72 Spitfire Mk. V which I bought as a model set. It is my first kit since 20 years and I tried making it using only what came in the box, i.e. three basic colors, a two-headed brush and the glue. Ok, I cheated a bit because I also got filling since some seams were really ugly. And because I wanted to practice a bit.
The original plan was to also weather it, but I realized I can't do it with what I have. And I didn't want to go for stuff like scraping the dirt from the bottom of my main cooking pot and such.
I already know that I completely fucked up the canopy and that the propeller isn't really painted (I also attached it before painting the plane body and such) and that there is no wire running from antenna to rudder.
And the decals... well, I can use my hands, but this still needs a lot of practice. Also, Revell instructions are shit for painting and decals.
Now, please roast me and tell me what to improve.