>>5771796Your probably still young to care what other people think this much. The good news is that the older you get the less you honestly start caring as to what others might think. Damn! it's so liberating and refreshing. Life becomes so much simpler and less stressing when you only care about the things you really enjoy and less as to how others might see you. I wish this feeling on everyone.
The people who truly care about you are going to love you no matter what. Haven't you seen on tv or heard of parents who still visit their children in prison after they have committed a horrible crime?
Worry about yourself only and what makes YOU happy. Some people love clothes, electronics, kids, and they spend all their damn money on those things and nobody stops them. Well, you should do the same.
As for the opinions of others? Pffft! Do they pay your bills? So, fu*k'em