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Looks like McFarlane going to have a tight competition...I kinda fear it will harm the McFarlane line since it's: 1. the more popular 6" scale 2. 5 dollars less 3. have wider consumer target - for ages 8 & above instead of 12 & above; so not just it takes McFarlane age group, but also get more age groups, meaning most toy stores would prefer to carry a line that appeals and aimed both at collectors and kids alike (instead of just collectors). I'm very surprised Jazwares were allowed to compete directly with McFarlane , as from my understanding their Fortnite license is limited to playline, where as McFarlane got it for the collectors audience. Regardless, I sincerely with luck for both of the companies and hope bothj lines would be able to co-exist.
Who would've thought that stupid video game would make action figures great again and in all scales?!