>>8774200>You were probably living in a shitty situation that you didnt fully understand at the timeWut? Like living in the ghetto and being told i wasn't allowed to visit my friend Billy's home because he was a bad influence, but in reality it was because his mom was an AIDS ridden prostitute and brought her Johns to their apartment?
Don't be dumb.
We're talking about fucking movies. I either got a yes or no after seeing how kickass the trailer was.
There was no wrangling with my parents, unless they thought the movie looked stupid (no KILLER CLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE for me). I mean, when my brother was planning out his birthday, my dad had to ask the kids parents if it was OK to take them to see a movie together. Only a few parents had concerns, but ONLY if there was sex in the movie and Robocop isn't known for it's muffs.
I know that there were hardcore Christian parents who were against rated R movies and would never let their kids see such filth, but these sorts of parents wouldn't allow their kids to even watch fucking Indiana Jones because there was gun play or watch the Simpsons because they'd say "hell" and "bitch"
Remember the boycotts and protests about the Simpsons in the 80s and how the merch needed to be censored?
Funny how the liberals in the 10s and 20s turned out to be worse than fucking fundamentalistic conservatives in the 80s.