>>11207019Full of great play features like uhhh two tiny missiles, and a roller launcher, and a bunch of seats (for diaclone dudes that the transformers version doesn't have)
I guess you can stand it up and pretend it's a repair bay or hanger... with a singular arm and maybe a gas nossle if you haven't already lost it. Nothing for the diaclone dudes (which again, the original optimus figure didt not include) unless you want them sitting in a way that defies gravity. No scaffolding or catwalks or accessories or anything.
I really don't know why people pretend that optimus' trailer is this awesome thing full of play features, it really isn't. It's an ancient thing missing its diaclone touch that's only kept consistent and unchanged because it's an iconic part of the character at this point, however lame it is.
Modern battle convoy takes the biggest, fattest shit all over optimus' trailer, but they'll never actually bother to update G1 optimus' boring ass trailer because it's le precious g1 and can never be improved upon