>>9268392>Went to the post office to pick this guy up and... yeah. Arrived broken.I had two Yamcha's and it happened to both of them.
Definitely go for it if you can get the DF pack and use the extra joint to fix it (plus you get a well done extra pony tail hair piece).
I got the broken joint out by heating it up to soften the hair and prying the joint out with a knife.
You can see in the top pic that the extra joint in the DF pack is a little bigger than the official Yamcha joint, I just made sure to heat up and soften the hair really well before trying to get it in. Both sides of the Yamcha joint are more like neck pegs, so you have to decide which way to put the ball part of the DF joint.
In the middle pic you can see what a normal Yamcha looks like vs a Yamcha with the DF joint, it sticks oft a little further and you can see the joint, but it's not an issue from the front.