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I got Big Ben today. Overall I like him, although his pistol and main rifle suck and are very silly, so I'll replace them as soon as I can order some more printed weapons. Also mildly annoyed that he doesn't come with a backpack, but I have an extra Gung Ho pack that I can probably modify into something useable.
I was going to try and swap his boots with Falcon's because for some ungodly reason Hasbro put the gaitered boots on the jungle fighter and the jungle boots on the winter fighter. Unfortunately though, Hasbro was already a step ahead of me and Fakcon actually has the pegs on his boots and the peg holes in his legs, which is the opposite of all the other standard size joes (Big Ben also has tall legs and Falcon has standard length ones, so they wouldn't match anyway). I don't think there are any gaiter boots in the line that will fit Big Ben, and I guess when I get around to repainting Falcon I'll have to do a leg swap on him so I can at least give him some jungle boots.