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Hey guys, hope this isn’t too raunchy for this board but this felt like something i should let other collectors know about my experience and I’ll do what I can to keep this clean. This is a cast off figure so I’ll have to mention some nsfw features but I won’t share any nsfw pics.
So I bought a Queen’s Blade Revoltech Ymir online about a week ago and got her a few days later only to be shocked by how low quality she was. The spikes on her gauntlet were warped and her right breast was bent unter her diaphragm (presumably from being assembled prior to cooling) additionally the revol joint in her neck cracked after 2 days.
Since she’s an older figure even if Revoltech had any kind of customer service I’d probably be on my own. Luckily I was able to reheat her breast with a hair dryer and gently nudge it mostly into place, it isn’t quite right but it isn’t noticeable anymore and I left the gauntlet alone because bent spikes don’t bug me too much. I’ve also ordered a new revol joint for her neck.
All things considered for the money I spent I’d say Ymir is a good figure but the poor quality control was a really unpleasant surprise and I can’t, in good conscience recommend her to anyone else seeing how messed up mine turned out.
If any of you guys have bought Revoltech figures I’d like to know if QC issues are common or if I just got impressively unlucky.