>>10204029>Give some context that they're even yours.I designed and printed them, silly.
>BTW, why should i even jump through the new hoopYou take a photograph of a model you own with a camera, it's not hard. Here's another of mine.
>if you're just going to deny the last hoop you created invalid because i proved i own many books and toys for the series?You own some non-game related books which you probably bought after getting into the toys to make yourself look like a "true fan" on /toy/. Not seeing any rulebooks or codexes, or you know, MODELS.
You are a filthy secondary (and a poorfag to boot, judging by your complaints of high-end figures being sold for £40 being "overpriced") and have no place accusing anyone else of being a "fake fan", especially when you think your size-queen delusions of how big Space Marines should be are more valid than a successful company that works directly with GW.