>>10369023It's incredible if you actually payed attention. Super Broly's backstory is boring as fuck and leaves him a boring mute. (Fitting) z Broly has a complex tragic backstory which sets him down a dark road that ends with him becoming the monster everyone feared. He was also interesting and fun to actually watch fight because he'd actually talk and fuck with the Dragon Team. Remember that sick fake out curveball he did that vaporized the Shamoian homeworld? Dude was a mother fucking menace and owned the screen when he was on it. Super Broly just screamed and punched while listening to his daddy. Most he did was involuntarily destoy a landscape. So fucking boring. Super Broly is such a shit movie all around. Most of the opening is just a waste of time that retcons one of the most beloved dbz specials. (Father of Goku)