The shitfucks who hate Disney Star Wars are by an order of magnitude WAY more obsessed with Disney Star Wars than almost anyone who actually likes Disney Star Wars.
You've got millions of people who'll go out and see a Disney Star Wars flick at the theater and then maybe buy it on disc or VOD a few months later because they just want a fun action romp to watch and nothing else, whereas on the other hand you've got this tiny, angry minority of fans who absolutely hate Disney Star Wars with a psychotic passion but WILL NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT DISNEY STAR WARS AND LITERALLY SPEND 12-18 HOURS A DAY IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER SCREAMING ABOUT IT IN EVERY CORNER OF THE INTERNET EVEN IF NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT DISNEY STAR WARS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
You seriously don't see this kind of sociopathic zealotry outside of religious fanaticism.