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Battle Tribes and Spy Monkey are just fine.
SMC will be at Dcon offering some super low stock figures currently missing from the store. Most of these are previously held back stock for replacements or missed in the inventory count. Handfuls each not worth re-listing. Some deals will be offered as they have been at previous Dcons. This is mostly older stock, but Dcon and deals are a regular thing. Black Friday will likely repeat the deals.
A new Battle Tribes drop is coming in 2020 so get ready for a new year of figures starting in Jan/Feb. Wor may show off a prototype of a female warrior, it's still unclear how close it is to production.
>not from the SMC ppl, but knows this kind of talk does annoy them when you start the doom and gloom crap which the 4chan thread is known for
You may not like the food heads, but it wasn't for you. The food heads were to appeal to a new audience. Some don't like the wrestlers in general. Well it's not like they took over the line, is it? It's more parts to mix with the various figures. Remember when we used to be happy just to see new parts? Oh right, /toy/ isn't a hugbox thread so it's all super negative around here even years later.