Encase nobody saw it:
>Temuera Morrison, the actor who played both Jango Fett, Boba Fett, and the Clone Troopers has joined the cast of The Mandalorion for Season 2, and is allegedly playing Fett, who is said to have a small role in the season. There's also rumors he could be playing Rex in the show.The cast already includes Michael Biehn(Terminator and Aliens actor), who is playing a bounty hunter from the Mandalorian's past, who is said to have lines that reference his past roles in various movies. Concept art shows him dressed in what looks like a Mudtrooper outfit. Rosario Dawson is also cast as Ahsoka Tano, and will presumably be part of Mando's quest to find someone to raise The Child. There's other rumors out there that characters from the show Rebels could appear. Actress Jaimie Lee Curtis had also been on set for season 2, and it's unclear if she's in the show or not, as rumors said it appeared they were trying to get her in the show, and she did wardrobe fittings and even had her head 3-D scanned by Hasbro for the possibility of an action figure. Her character, whoever she was supposed to play was allegedly going to appear in season 2 in a small role, but be important in season 3. She may not be in the show however due to scheduling conflicts she may not be in the show, or at least her part has been scaled back. Other actors such as Bill Burr will return, along with Ming-Na Wen, who played Fennec Shand and was supposedly shot to death, will also return for season 2.