>>8209533Nope. The transition went from end of RIP, to the Last Rites issues, to Battle for the Cowl, which dick only appeared as Batman in silhouette, then right into Batman and Robin with his new suit. The Detective Comics run that was going on at the same time as the early B&R stuff had a slightly different suit featuring a circular belt buckle and differently styled gloves but it was just covers. He still used the Quitely suit in the actual issues. It also wasn't the Icons suit.
If you can find the pages of Dick in that suit please post them. It's just this is my favorite era of modern Batman so I'm super autistic about it because if reread that era so many times. I have the trades and the comic scans as they were coming out.
>>8209537>From what i can remember, it was definitely Dick Grayson and he was referred as such while wearing the not-ugly-Batman suit.Like I said earlier in the thread, I don't care what DCD said to justify that original Batman being so short, but Dick never wore that suit.
>I really avoided reading his stuff, not out of hate or because it was different, but because it got dense, full everything is canon (but not really) weirdness.