>>7708195>at *minimum* over 70,000 AoD figures alone. That's exactly my point. They're basically only covering the thousand or so hardcore fans over 2 year period. Barely anything.
That number is around above average for what a SINGLE figure/wave would sell if it was a Figma or NECA figure.
>You don't have to be a hardcore fan to pre-order figures. You have to be hardcore to blind buy a product and wait 2 years for that product to finally be shipped. Sure, there's new people who'll buy in, but they'll vastly be outnumbered by the faithful. From ravens to mythic legions to mythic legions 2, the supporters varied by about 300 people.
>Compare the 4H to MGRMGR sells their figures year round. No shit no one has to buy everything all at once and wait over a year to finally get a product. Hence over ten thousand orders in less than a year from their webstore.
Also, the scale is not as niche as you believe, considering there's dozens of companies releasing generic army men in this scale. Sold worldwide and by many toy makers from many countries.
Outside of generic army men? Maybe close to a dozen of companies making shit in 1:18 with fantasy, sci fi, and other genre figures... and 4H wanted in on this EASY money. Utterly failed, because they can't market for shit.
>claim they don't have enough fans to warrant them making more figures and that means their idea of making enough figures for people who want them is...bad?Not paying attention are you? They're awful at handling their business. Again, their limited ways of producing toys creates the insular fanbase. Their inability to market their toys outside of this insular fanbase means they'll struggle at growing.