>>9870334>I always thought there was a lot of story potential in Hordak and Adora’s relationship after she left.Definitely.
>There was even an episode where they had to work together to get out of their predicament."Into the Dark Dimension":
She-Ra: "Fact, we're stuck here. Fact, you don't like me and I'm not real big on you either."
That was a Straczynski episode, and the way he tells it, he and DiTillio were more or less the only writers who coordinated with each other (maybe also DiTillio-Forward, who went on to give toy fiction more consistent depth with Beast Wars), yet the way she talks to Hordak seems off compared to the familial relationship established in the 80% DiTillio pilot.
>Unfortunately, PoP never really delved into it. It’s understandable as Filmation wasn’t really meant to be more than surface level, it just would’ve been nice to see real character development.A real missed opportunity. The writers I named all went on to write much better character development in the '90s. Maybe the structural constraint of frantically getting out 65 episodes for syndication in the first year of a show was to blame.