>>8139108I've never heard of Hobbysearch, I did check dalong though. I saw the visual differences but I couldn't really tell the sturdiness. To be more specific, I was wondering which of the two could hold more weight reliably. The versatility of ball joints do sound good, but I'm a bit wary since ball joints tend to droop with too much weight.
Pic related is what I had in mind to make, I'm planning on using the arms to attach the back wings/cockpit thing to the Graze, and I wanted something with articulation so I could move it around for a transformation. It looks kinda heavy though, and I was worried about the sub arms sagging from the weight, so I was wondering if any of the two would be able to support the weight better. If they're about the same though, I might just get the Ballden since the missile box on it interests me more than any of the added accessories in the Battle Arms.
Thanks for the input, anon.