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Got a big order in from mandy, re-arranged my shelves accordingly, and thought I'd share. My phone has a shit camera and the room has shit lighting, and I slapped this together in paint.
One of the ones I just got in is Johnny Ridden's Gelgoog. I've heard a lot of shit about it, mostly about the red, and I gotta say it doesn't look nearly as bad in person. Maybe it's because I got him for 5k but he's probably my favorite Gelgoog so far. Other than him, it was mostly me catching up on older general releases. Char's Goog and Z'Gok, Prototype Gundam, and then not a general release, but I got the 2500 Zaku II. Really dig the green joints, but I don't think I'll army build this one. Still need the regular Zaku II for it's accessories, and there's just so many Zeon suits and Zaku variants as is.
I've recently considered trying to go for the entire ver ANIME line. I'm a huge fag for the figures and I unironically think it's the best line in it's price range right now. I've not gotten a single one I thought was bad. At worst, sometimes I feel like the P-Bandai releases are a little pricey, but that's it. I've got every single upcoming release on pre-order (save the GM Space Command), and other than strict recolors like the 2500 Gundam and Real Type colors, I've only got a dozen or so figures left to buy and then I'm caught up on it all.