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Good morning from Australia (and good evening to you northern hemispherers)
For Thanksgiving (Tad was American and cooked something here each year) I tried to replicate his amazing green bean casserole and stuffing. Not as good as his, but very close! It was a good ceremonial meal. I decided to pick a movie and wondered if there was a sailor moon one. And so I googled and found sailor moon eternal! There were so many synchronicities and esoteric layers to it, it was so good and it is now my favourite movie. When I was around 5, it was my favourite show. Everytime it came on tv I would put on a special sunflower dress too big for me and sing and dance to the intro song. Funnily enough I had also recently placed these figmas tad gifted me with on our little bedside table. It was a wonderful mused gift from him at just the right time! I highly recommend you all watch. Hope you all had a relaxing festive break.
Love meatball head (and the masked vigilante)