>>10872866>>10873268Don't even bother engaging with him, he's just gonna reply with the same stolen pics and bad lies. Nothing he says has any value and most of his problems are things he made up in his head. Arguing with him just brings down the thread, as things like logic and reason have no effect on someone so emotionally disturbed. Hell, he tanked a thread about cool Wizards just cause the OP had a pic of a 4H toy. A normal person would just ignore a line they don't like, but this guy just trolls threads, steals pics and froths at the mouth any time $H toys are mentioned. I'm sure that broken knee pic will end up in the rotation of 5-6 pics he keeps spamming because the dude doesn't even buy toys of his own. It's honestly sad at this point
>>10872905I love the idea of an Orc Shaman, I just don't like the idea of said Shaman being a giant compared to other Orcs. If this was a normal sized figure I probably would've grabbed him because he looks cool. But as a brute figure, I want a more savage looking Orc. Hopefully they come out with a Brute Legion builder, if they could do it for Ogres they can certainly do it for Brutes.
>>10873025The other Horsemen have some fairly generic character archtypes, a red War Demon, a gothy Vamp Queen, a fancy looking Grim Reaper. But Poxxus just rolls up rocking a zombie bug archer look and it's just all kinds of wtf. I love the figure because he's just so out there compared to the others, I was kind of worried he'd be just some sort of bug wizard thing and I'm really happy they just went crazy with him instead.
Also, it finally snowed by me, and since I had a chance I grabbed some figures to try and get some outdoor pics. Usually snow pics turn out great, but I guess I got out there too late because the sun was *not* cooperating. But I managed to get a couple I like from the trip. I really need to plant some bushes in my yard though, it's not easy getting pics without a big white fence in the background.