>Looks like anime, why isn't blue? why don looks like the last game if is based on a statue from 2004?>>6618652>>6618693I understand. Is very hard for you to get it but I gonna explain it just one more time:
This figure isn't part of a DOA line, this figure wasn't made to resemble a specific game appearance, and like
>>6617016 and
>>6617746 say, this figure is made for MAX FACTORY fans over DOA fans
The figure resemble specifically the Hiroki Katayama's 1/6 statue made in 2004. This is for the 30TH ANNYVERSARY of MAX FACTORY because that statue was something special from Max Factory, you get it?
Is not about YOU, is about MAX FACTORY and his oldest customers.
> But why make this shit? I don't buy it, I hate it!Yeah, but I can assure you that it will sell well (You aren't special), Max Factory fans, otakus, breast lovers and a big number of DOA fans (not you) gonna buy it. Deal with it.
And to finish, you can get the Kaiyodo one, is blue :^).