>>6586139>>6585929OK, I just transformed him back and it was seriously a breeze, less than 10 minutes without instructions. I don't know if I just had to break some stuff in or if it's just easier to one way than the other.
As for the actual problems, there's a lot of stuff that just doesn't have the proper clearance to move like it should. I seriously spent 10 minutes on each foot, which is basically just pulling the wheels out of the shins and rotating them 90 degrees. Then there's stuff like the chest, which splits into a dozen pieces once it's untabbed and just sort of flaps around. I've been in and out of transformers for like 20 years now and this is one of the most baffling ones.
>>6585482>>6585502I tapped some graphite powder in the shoulders while I had him open, and it worked like a charm. They're much less stiff now, but not really to the point of being loose and the squeaking is almost totally gone. I haven't done the knees and hips yet because they'd involve unscrewing stuff and I'm not actually worried about them becoming damaged. I also hit the ankles with floor polish because they were a little loose.
Overall, I'd say he's very good, but with the caveats that his transformation is garbage and he has some pretty big flaws that need some work out of the box. I'm happy, but it'd be a lot easier to swallow if he weren't 80 bucks.