>>9403844Being a cartoon ninja Prowl has a bunch of hidden weapons, like shuriken made from his hubcaps and tonfa from his light bars. Which is kinda on topic with the current conversation since Big Convoy dos the same thing.
Posing Prowl is a bit tricky. Ball jointed shoulders and elbows and neck, so that's all good.
Ball jointed waist so it swivels and is also cut for an ab crunch, so that's really good.
But the hips. Ball jointed. But the joints are cut to the back of the thigh instead of the top like you'd expect.
Knees only bend at about a 45, which is a problem given how long his shins are.
The toes/ankles are on ball joints but are molded in such a way that prevents a lot of range.
>>9403847Literally all they do when on screen is scream in their broken Spanish and fuck up everything they touch. Being Tripredacus doesn't make them cool.
>>9403872I need to get me more Big Convoys. All I got is Ultra Mammoth.