>>10118750The newer armor parts alone will help break up a lot of the samey-ness of the figures. I'm sure parts from Poxxus will show up in this wave, hopefully giving us some ghouls or zombies for the Necro horde. And this is the perfect time to finally release a figure with a fully painted version of Hagnon's ghoul head so we can actually appreciate the details of his mold.
As for other scale figures, giant undead, angels or even a giant Knight would be cool to see. Heck, I feel that Dragon Paladin from the Poxxus wave would've worked better as part of the Order. Kind of a subversion of the whole Knights versus Dragons as the Dragon would *be* one of the Knights.
As for Mounts, the boss is getting his pale undead horse but I can see the good guys getting a Pegasus. It wouldn't be all that difficult, just release a tacking that can support the wings and they'd be set.
The Knights and the Skeletons are two of my favorite factions, so I'm super hyped for this wave. But I'm already behind in busting these guys out of their boxes, so I'm actually kind of afraid of all the awesome new figures they'll be showing off for this wave.