>>10942023>>10942054>>10942056If they have even a sliver of brains they'll just look at what sells the most on ebay to see what they should rerun. Don't get me wrong there's some stinkers in the original MH runs but the good ones go for a lot and are very obvious on doll list websites.
Hell, they don't even need to look far. People want more of the original Haunt Couture line. People want more of the Reel Drama. Just look at the designers who are making the most successful lines and fire whoever made Haunt Couture Midnight Runway.
Also in terms of designers they should just hire the OG guy back he's still involved in the fandom and the first run is the best looking imo.
Unrelated but I'm glad I grabbed my Isi Dawndancer cause they ain't neeeeever running her again.