>>10658334Thanks! Scraphook's parts are pretty limiting to work with, but his legs make for good thigh extensions and the ankles become good knees. The peg on his feet is a bit too far forward though so have to work with the two leg pieces at a bit of an angle. Trashmaster's parts being overall bulky and stout makes for a pretty good torso standalone, building onto it was fun and I really like the chest piece with the lift arms.
>I dont suppose some of those motorcycle parts could have gone into making the torso a bit taller.. or forming a wraparound skirt or something to hide it. nah it's fine.Actually that's a pretty good idea. Gotta work a bit with the left side of the motorcycle to get it attached, but they work pretty well attaching to the sides of Trashmaster's side skirts and fold up to the back nicely! This does kinda force the arms outwards, but I think the look's pretty worth it since it does give that bit of extra bulk the waist needed. Wouldn't have thought of connecting them this way on my own, thanks anon!