>>9682223Planet Ripple is Nick's original series but he's written and drawn quite a lot of Bionicle art and comics.
His first foray into long form Bionicle stories is a sequel fanfic called Nova Orbis. After the events of G1, the Matoran and Agori merged into a singular more organic than mechanical Matoran species and built colony ships to find other planets that the GSR visited during his 10,000 journey away from home. The setting itself takes place on a new island with all 13 Matoran tribes settled on it. It's a little hard to read because it's a weird mix between comic and web serial and it's also cancelled because Bionicle G2 was canceled and it killed Nick's motivation.
His second comic is called The Toa and it's a retelling of MNOG with other elements from 02 and 03 to tell a complete, self-contained story of the Mata Nui saga. I especially like this one because Nick made a lot of artistic liberties to sell the bio-mechanical aesthetic while still being toy accurate.
The comic is a reboot of Nova Orbis as a fully fledged comic. Unfortunately it's on hiatus because Nick needed to complete Volume 7 of Planet Ripple while also working on his Lego retrospective and MOC videos on Youtube.